When I had my children, I knew I’d be making sacrifices. My discretionary income would be allocated to preschool tuition, fundraising for their schools, school photos, toys, games, parties, allowance, sports, summer fairs, and anything else child-related that came our way. I had no problems with that. But I missed reading.

Somehow, I managed to figure out how to get more reading time that did not include Dr. Seuss, Mo Willems or Eric Carle. Not that I don’t like them. I appreciate their writing and illustrations. But I need stimulating novels, fascinating biographies, and inspirational how-to books (and magazines). I can’t pinpoint when it started, but my habit of reading for pleasure became a bigger part of my life again. I think it was when I could sneak away from my older son while he was playing games on the computer in the children’s section of the library. I found Mary Higgins Clark’s newest book, Daddy’s Gone A-Hunting. Although I don’t think she’s a great writer, I think she’s an engaging storyteller. The fast pace of her writing and the short chapters make me feel as if I’ve read a lot.

I felt that way about Lauren Weisberger’s books. In all honesty, I thought that the movie, The Devil Wears Prada, was better than the book. How rare is that? It didn’t stop me from reading and enjoying her other books.

I’m one of the last people to have discovered Daniel Silva. My former editor put a post on Facebook asking if  she could borrow The Fallen Angel from one of her friends. She said that there was a long wait at the library for it. I found it in the 7 Day bookshelf and decided I had to read it. I couldn’t put it down. I read it in fewer than seven days and then found his newest one, The English Girl. I went back and read Portrait of a Spy and The Rembrandt Affair. Along came the Days of Awe and I couldn’t get to the library. I’ve been going through Daniel Silva withdrawal.

Tomorrow I have to interview some people for some ad copy I’m writing and I have to wait for the washing machine repairman. Then I have to pick up my son from school. Guess where we’re going? I need to read a new book!